Work in progress. 正在施工。
Danger. Keep out. 危險,嚴禁入內。
Safety footwear required. 請穿安全靴。
Unsafe bridge. Do not use. 危橋,請勿使用。
Danger. Under construction. Keep out. 建筑重地,危險!禁止入內。
No unauthorized personnel beyond this point. 未經授權,禁止越過此處。
Safety helmets must be worn on this site. 進入此工地須戴安全帽。
Danger. Site entrance. 工地入口,危險!
Slow down. Site entrance. 工地入口,請慢行。
Construction personnel only. 僅供施工人員使用。
Construction personnel only lift. 此電梯僅供施工人員使用。
Construction is expected to be complete by the end of this year. Thank you for your patience.
We apologize for any inconvenience. 對施工期間引起的不便表示歉意。
Construction overhead. 上面在施工。